Thursday, June 5, 2008

June Update

Well hello clan!
It is June 5th, almost two months since I was originally diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. Today I am about 95% back to normal. I can walk without the assistance of a cane. I have finished my physical therapy. I have been working out at Planet Fitness in Woburn, which I highly recommend...$10 a month. I am not able to fully run or jump yet, not that there is much call for that, but when you can;t do it, it ain't much fun. I have very little residual tingling in the hands and feet and the back is almost 100% pain free. Absolutely amazing. Prayer works and don't let anyone tell you any differently. I have been going to mass at St. Patrick's with my mom and dad and that has been awesome. It's so much different when you want to be there, rather than feeling obligated. But I guess that applies to a lot of things. Now I need to move the production of the Guillain Barre Syndrome Public Service Announcement into action. My goal is to have it in the can by the end of July.

My mom and I have followed up with stuff on my dad. We met with the neurologist, the same one that diagnosed my GBS. Nothing surprizing as far as MRI and blood tests. But at least we have some paperwork that we can then use to provide to the powers that be regarding some support. In the event my father's needs change, we need to be ready, and that is what we are doing. My mom remains strong, but his condition ways heavy on her heart. When you look at her circle of friends, far too many left this Earth far too soon. But in her eyes, she has that many on the other side rooting her on. I don't expect any major news on my father anytime soon, just kind of wait and watch to see if his behavior takes a significant shift.

Wedding news. I did get my invitation. Right now my company is bidding on a production that will have us videotaping a yacht race from P-town to Yarmouth, Novia Scotia from July 17-21st. I just re-read that sentence and it sounds so incredibly I don't know if we have the gig yet and I have told Uncle Davy about it. In the event I am land-bound I will be there and yes, I will be wearing my kilt. Hey, it's formal wear! Yes, I see the pink elephant in the room, as do you all. My only thought, as I have said before, life is too short. This clan has experienced too many unexpected departures. There is no guarantee of a tomorrow, so keep that in mind.

Well that is the update for now. Life gets better everyday, God's grace and blessings are amazing. Mary, The Blessed Mother, has a place of tremendous importance in my heart and I recommend you reach out to her when you find yourself in times of trouble. As always, Live and Love.

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