Saturday, August 16, 2008

Summer updates

Hello Clan,
So some update on what life has been like for the Washington Ave Hegarty Clan. Timmy and I are coordinating a Gullain Barre Syndrome Road Race for May of 2009. Thank God for Tim, he is the driving force behind this and I couldn't do it without him. Right now we are doing some coordinating and connecting to players in the arena to get details worked out. Keep your eye out for details.

September 19-October 6th, 2008. Tube Media Production, Inc, OK, me and Chris are headed back to Ireland. Tenon Tours will be sending us this year. It will consist of 2 days in Dublin, 3 days in Galway, and 2 days in County Cork...this is repeated for the second week. This time we are also acting more as hosts with the groups that are coming along. So it should be a blast.

November 2008. there is a Gullain Barre Syndrome International Symposium in Chicago which also includes a Walk-a-thon fundraiser. Genie and I have contacted the international GBS foundation that is sponsoring this. I am hoping I might be able to convince them to make a video for this...and who better to use than Tube?

May 2010: I am beginning training for the Edinburgh Marathon as a GBS fund raiser. Today was my first attempt at running on a treadmill, and I was succesful, so I was very psyched that I didn't fall or passout. So the training begins and I am so excited to run in Edinburgh, Scotland. I will be sending out information and sponsorship opportunities for this amazing opportunity...and if we want to coordinate a Hegarty trip to the Scottish part of our ancestry, what better time to do so. Just think...the Hegartys hanging at Grey Friar's Pub and chatting up the locals, truly an awesome time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Just want to let everyone know that Tim and I have been training this summer to get Tim qualified for the 2009 Boston Marathon. His first attempt will be Oct. 19th in Lowell at the Baystate Marathon. If anyone wants to come and support us that would be really cool. I'll report back with the results
